Learning Milestones For 3-5 Years

Cognitive and Learning: Overview (3-5 Years)
Between three and five, children become more sophisticated thinkers. They have a clearer sense of time, they can count objects

Increasingly Inventive Fantasy Play (36-48 Months)
Preschoolers enjoy vivid fantasy lives and imagine themselves in various roles, from firefighters and dancers to doctors and superheroes. Taking on

Story Time: Helpful Skills for Pre-Literacy
Sharing books is a great way to help your child learn to read and write. But there is something just

Tell Me a Story
Stories are a great way to connect! “That’s a picture of Grammy when she was a little girl. She loved

Capable of Approaching Problems from a Single Perspective (38-50 Months)
When faced with specific challenges, three-year-olds approach problems from a single perspective. They haven’t yet developed the ability to see

Gone Fishing: Understanding that Written Language Carries Meaning
Beginning at an early age, many children begin trying to understand the signs, labels, logos, and printed words they see

Capable of Verbal Knowledge of a Few Numbers (39-48 Months)
Preschoolers understand the concept of counting and may know a few numbers by the end of their second year. References:

Can Correctly Name Some Colors (40-48 Months)
Although children can distinguish among colors at an earlier age and may learn color words, they may not consistently name

Learns to Count Objects Accurately (40-49 Months)
Once children begin to talk, counting soon follows. At first, this counting is not very precise, and the words for

Begins to Have a Clearer Sense of Time (42-50 Months)
Children develop a much clearer sense of time at about 3 years of age. They know their daily routines and show

Becomes Capable of Deliberate Lying (46-53 Months)
When children develop the ability to deceive others is somewhat controversial. Although some researchers believe children can be deceptive by

Realizes Other People Can Have Inaccurate Perceptions of the World (48-57 Months)
Children gain new insights into how other minds work between ages 4 and 5. Part of this understanding includes realizing

Shows Increased Sophistication in Understanding the Concept of Time (49-59 Months)
Preschoolers understand that days are divided into mornings, afternoons, and nights and that years consist of four seasons. When they

Realizes that People May Have Different Visual Views of the Same Object (50-58 Months)
Before children are about 4 years old, they don’t understand that their view of an object and someone else’s view