Communication Milestones For 3-5 Years

Language and Communication: Overview (3-5 Years)
It’s storytime! By age 5, most children can communicate effectively, and many enjoy telling creative stories. Their sentences get longer

Can Ask a Grammatically Correct Question (35-41 Months)
Before age 3, children’s questions are generally incomplete, depending on words like “where” or “what” and a rising tone at

Inserts Articles, Auxiliary Verbs, and Grammar Not Previously Seen (37-44 Months)
In the third year, children use language in increasingly sophisticated ways. This includes making sentences that use articles (“a” or

Understands the Concept of “Same” and “Different” (39-48 Months)
During their fourth year, children begin to compare things in terms of similarities and differences. This is an important analytical

Capable of Speaking in Sentences of Five to Six Words (40-48 Months)
At age 3, most children have active vocabularies of 300 or more words, talk in sentences of five or six

Speaks in Complex Sentences (51-59 Months)
Language skills blossom around age 4, and preschoolers can now pronounce most sounds of the English language. Their vocabularies expand to