Communication Milestones For 6-12 Months

Careful, Frank: Communicating through Emotional Expressions (2-24 Months)
As adults, we do this all the time to obtain feedback from the world around us, but it’s fascinating to

Language and Communication: Overview (6-12 Months)
Between 6 and 12 months, babies are actively processing the language sounds they hear. They are learning to take “turns”

Capable of Responding to Own Name (4-5 Months)
A baby’s name is generally used much more often than other words. Studies show that babies are early as 4

Attempts to Respond to Sounds by Making Sounds (4-7 Months)
By 4 months, many babies begin listening for the individual sounds in words, noticing how vowels and consonants combine into

Can Verbalize Happiness and Displeasure (4-7 Months)
Babies begin voicing their emotions and desires frequently at 5 or 6 months, laughing to show pleasure and crying when

Capable of Responding to “No” (5-7 Months)
Although children don’t yet understand what words mean, they may stop doing something when a parent or caregiver says “no.”

Mommy, Is This Okay? (6-12 Months)
Guiding your baby with your facial expressions and words. Eleven-month-old Cameron can walk, and he can go just about anywhere

Responds To and Begins To Map Sounds of Language (6-12 Months)
Between 6 and 12 months, babies can literally “hear” the specific sounds of all languages spoken. When compared to adults,

Snuggle Up for Reading (6-24 Months)
“Mommy! Mommy! Book! Book!” he says before you tuck him in for an afternoon nap. You grab his favorite book,

Babbling Includes Short Strings of Consonants (6-9 Months)
By 4 months, babies begin listening for the individual sounds in words, noticing how vowels and consonants combine into syllables,

Learns to Wait until Someone Else Is Finished Talking before Beginning to Speak (7-10 Months)
During their first 6 months, infants will often coo or babble while their caregivers are talking to them. By 7

Can Respond to Simple Verbal Requests (8-10 Months)
Even though babies often say their first words at around 12 months, most have learned quite a few words by

Begins to Use Gestures and Sounds to Communicate (8-11 Months)
By 8 to 10 months, babies attempt to communicate with others using gestures and pre-verbal sounds. There are two common

Capable of Uttering “Dada” and “Mama” (8-12 Months)
Between 8 and 12 months, babies may stumble on words like “mama” and “dada” accidentally, learning what they mean when

Begins to Understand that Words Can Refer to Physical Objects (9-12 Months)
Around 9 months, many infants understand that some words refer to specific objects. Although they can’t yet speak words, many

Babbling Appears Less Random; Inflections Apparent (9-14 Months)
Between 8 and 12 months, the coos, gurgles, and other “baby” sounds become more like the sounds of the home