Physical Milestones For 3-5 Years

Physical: Overview (3-5 Years)
Children continue to develop their fine motor skills between years 3 and 5. Most learn to draw shapes and people, use forks and spoons effectively,

Becomes Primarily Left-Handed or Right-Handed (38-48 Months)
Most infants show no clear hand preference (left- or right-handedness) in their early years. Instead, many seem to alternate between favoring the right hand and

Capable of Standing on One Foot for Up to Five Seconds (39-47 Months)
By age 3, preschoolers have developed large motor skills enough to participate in organized games and some sports. They are now capable of hopping and standing

Capable of Using Scissors with Some Dexterity (40-48 Months)
Children develop muscular control and concentration to master some precise hand and finger movements during their fourth year of life. Most can manipulate scissors with

Goes Up and Down Stairs without Support (40-48 Months)
By age 3, preschoolers have developed the large motor skills to control and direct many of their movements. Many are now comfortable walking up and

May Begin to Copy Some Capital Letters (41-48 Months)
At this age, children are developing both muscle control and concentration that will help them master more challenging finger and hand movements. References Shelov, S.

Draws a Person with Two to Four Body Parts (41-50 Months)
Children develop muscular control and concentration to master some precise hand and finger movements during their fourth year of life. Most can now grasp crayons and

Can Throw a Ball Overhand (42-49 Months)
By age 3, preschoolers have developed large motor skills enough to participate in organized games and some sports. Many are now capable of throwing a

Can Move Forward and Backward with Ease (42-51 Months)
By age 3, preschoolers have well-developed large motor skills. When learning to walk, most toddlers have difficulty moving backward. At this stage, children can now

Copies Triangles, Squares, and Other Geometric Patterns (49-60 Months)
During their fifth year of life, preschoolers’ coordination and ability to use their hands is almost fully developed, and they become more interested in arts

Capable of Dressing and Undressing without Assistance (50-60 Months)
During their fifth year of life, preschoolers’ coordination and ability to use their hands is almost fully developed, and they become more independent. They can now

Hops, Somersaults, Swings, and Climbs (51-59 Months)
Four-year-olds have the coordination and balance of adults and demonstrate their skills by descending stairs without the handrail, standing on one foot, and pumping themselves

Stands on One Foot for Ten Seconds or Longer (52-58 Months)
Four-year-olds have the coordination and balance of adults and can stand on one foot for ten seconds or longer. They hop, climb, and swing easily

Draws a Person with Body, Some Details (53-57 Months)
During their fifth year of life, preschoolers’ coordination and ability to use their hands is almost fully developed, and they become more interested in arts