Physical Milestones For 6-12 Months

Physical: Overview (6-12 Months)
Between 6 and 12 months, babies reach many important milestones. Most can sit without support and eventually become mobile, from rolling over and creeping on

Can Sit Alone (7-10 Months)
At this age, most babies are stable and can sit for longer periods of time. This is a major achievement, as it allows them to

Crawls Forward on Belly (8-10 Months)
Between 8 and 12 months of age, babies are in constant motion. They arch their necks to investigate their surroundings when lying on their stomachs and

Lets Objects Go Voluntarily (8-11 Months)
As babies gain the skills to open and close their fingers, they often delight in dropping and throwing small objects. They might fling toys out of

Uses Pincer Grasp (8-11 Months)
At 8 months, most babies have not acquired the hand and finger skills to use the pincer grasp, instead clumsily “raking” desirable objects toward themselves. As

Places Objects Into and Out of Containers (8-12 Months)
As they approach 12 months, babies use their improved coordination to thoroughly investigate the objects they encounter, picking them up, banging them on the floor,

Capable of Poking with Index Finger (8-13 Months)
Most babies around 12 months use their improved coordination to thoroughly investigate the objects they encounter, picking them up, banging them on the floor, shaking

Walks Holding onto Furniture (9-11 Months)
Although crawling gives babies a new perspective on the world around them, they observe people walking and strive to do the same. In preparation for

Stands Alone Easily (10-12 Months)
Babies will learn to stand momentarily without support until they have enough confidence to stand for longer periods and eventually take a step or two.

Begins Walking Alone (10-13 Months)
At first, a baby may walk with his feet wide apart to help with balance. As he becomes more confident, he will learn to stop,