Social Milestones For 3-5 Years

Social and Emotional: Overview (3-5 Years)
“I want to do it myself!” Children are becoming increasingly independent between ages 3 and 5. They are also taking

Capable of Dressing and Undressing Self (36-48 Months)
Coordination and the ability to use their hands are almost fully developed by age 4, and preschoolers are gradually learning

Demonstrates an Increasing Ability to Share (36-48 Months)
Although sharing is a foreign concept for toddlers, many preschoolers are gaining an understanding of and appreciation for the feelings

Cooperates More with Other Children (36-50 Months)
Preschoolers enjoy the company of other children and interact with them instead of playing side by side like they did

Five Steps of Emotion Coaching
Emotions…we all have them. Everything we do and everything we learn is shaped in some way by the way we

Shows Increasingly Independent Behaviors (36-51 Months)
Preschoolers are becoming increasingly independent and want to make more of their own choices. Eager to prove how capable and

Begins to Negotiate Solutions to Conflicts (38-48 Months)
As children gain an understanding of and appreciation for the feelings and actions of others, they will gradually stop competing

Views Self as a Whole Person–Body, Mind, and Feelings (40-49 Months)
Three-year-olds are gradually learning to use pronouns such as “I,” “me,” “mine,” and “you.” Although they’re still struggling to comprehend

More Likely to Agree to Rules (48-59 Months)
Children still have a simplified sense of morality as they approach their fifth birthdays, but they are exploring the concepts

Wants to Please Friends (49-59 Months)
For 4-year-olds, friends aren’t just playmates – they’re examples of different behaviors, values, and ways of life. Preschoolers want to invite

Sometimes Demanding, Sometimes Eagerly Cooperative (50-60 Months)
Preschoolers gain more control over their unpredictable emotional responses by age 4, but they’re still struggling to manage their feelings