Social Milestones For 6-12 Months

Social and Emotional: Overview (6-12 Months)
Are you my mother? Between 6 and 12 months, most babies show signs of fear around strangers. They also are

Becomes Interested in Mirror Images (5-7 Months)
Visual awareness increases during months 4 through 7, and babies begin to notice new aspects of their environment. During this

Begins to Show the Emotion of Fear (6-8 Months)
Around 6 to 8 months, most children begin to show fearfulness. Fear develops later than other “basic” emotions because certain

Develops Stronger Preferences for People and Toys (7-12 Months)
Between 8 and 12 months, babies begin displaying stronger preferences for certain people and select their favorite toys, which they

Imitates People during Play (8-12 Months)
Although babies are capable of imitating some facial expressions at birth, they become increasingly able to copy adult actions and

Becomes Increasingly Shy or Anxious with Strangers (8-13 Months)
At around 7 to 8 months, most children begin to show fearfulness around unfamiliar people. This is called stranger anxiety

Begins to Test Parental Responses to Behavior (8-15 Months)
Babies are intensely curious about parental responses to their behavior. At this young age, babies begin to do things around

Begins to Look to Others’ Emotions before Acting, Termed “Social Referencing” (9-15 Months)
Starting around 8 to 10 months, children begin to look at the facial expressions of others to help themselves decide

Prefers Primary Caregiver above All Others (9-15 Months)
As babies approach their second year of life, they show sustained preferences for the mother and/or regular caregiver above all

Separation Anxiety Increases (10-18 Months)
Around 6 to 8 months, most children begin to show distress when they are away from their primary caregivers. This

I Want My Mommy
I don’t know you! Scotty is eight months old, and he’s a cheerful and outgoing baby. He always smiles at